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Friday, May 24, 2013

Television Technologies: Plasma, LED, LCD and 3D

Television technology has grown manifold from the past few years. Of late, plasma, LCD and LED are the popular technologies. If you want to know more about these technologies, read this article.

Plasma TV:

Unlike the old generation televisions that look bulky with semi-flat screens, plasma TVs are slim and have flat display panel. Plasma display technology utilizes small cells that contain electrically charged ionized gases to display the images.

Plasma displays are bright, produce more vibrant colors and can be produced in large sizes. The display panel itself is 2.4 inches, that makes it easy to confine the total thickness of the device including the electronics to 3.9 inches.

Plasma displays have superior contrast ratio that allows them to produce deeper blacks, which further allow them to draw less power compared to CRTs. However, they consume more power compared to LCDs. Plasma TVs have wider viewing angles so that images do not degrade at high angles. When it comes to cost plasma displays are cheaper compared to their counter parts. Larger displays may suffer some visual noise which is more visible from shorter distances.


LCD TVs use liquid crystal display (LCD) technology to produce images. They have polarized screens with liquid crystal solution. When electricity is passed, the liquid crystal makes pixels. In LCD televisions, there are different models - CCFL-backlit, edgelit-LCD and LED backlit.

CCFL-backlit TVs use half the electricity consumed by plasma TV, while LED backlit uses even less than CCFL-backlit do. LCD televisions are thinner, cost-efficient and energy-efficient. LCD TVs have limitation in viewing angles - this makes dull images when you view pictures from different angles as opposed to sitting in front of the TV. The pictures developed on the screen are less natural when compared to LED and plasma TVs.


LED TVs are the most recent developments in television technology that use LED (light emitting diode) technology. There are two models - LED back-light and edge-light TVs. In edge-light, LEDs are provided around the edges of TV while in LED back-light, LEDs are provided on the back of the screen. The position of LEDs is meant for providing light source at the side of the screen.

When compared to LCD TV, LED TV is a better choice. LED TV technology has the advantage of controlling power over colors in the screen's matrix. This improves picture quality with real colors.

LED technology has high contrasting power and clear details of darker colors. LED technology makes thinner televisions than any other types. This technology offers excellent energy saving efficiency than plasma and LCD.

3D Televisions:

Three-Dimensional TVs are the recent advancement in television technology. 3D television sets use polarized screens to separate original 3D pictures individually. This separation of images makes your eye perception of 3D depth.

Images appear natural and realistic. To experience 3D technology one needs to wear 3D glasses. Now, there are 3D TVs which do not require 3D glasses, but these televisions are more expensive than regular 3D TVs. However, 3D televisions require 3D content from television channels. website keeps you posted with the most important developments in a variety of fields and topics. It helps to find only major new developments to quickly get to know new and significant updates globally.

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