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Friday, May 24, 2013

Telescopic Evolution: What Is Next?

Evolution is merely change. From a biological perspective, it's the process of gradual development from simple organisms to more complex. It started with life itself in single celled organisms 3.5 billion years ago, then the development of "hominid" species 2.5 million years ago, and then language only a few hundred thousand years ago. Can you already this telescopic effect?

What is Next?

Dr. Eamonn F. Healy, a professor of chemistry at St. Edwards University, believes we are on the brink of a radical evolutionary change. He suggests that this telescopic effect will continue to occur, but at an even greater magnitude.

The first automobile was created 80 years ago, the first text message sent 20 years ago, and within the last 5 years, smart phones in your pocket. This gap between advances is shrinking every time.

Technological advances are happening at such a tremendous rate now that hardly anyone can even predict what will happen in the next 5 years.

But what does this telescopic effect on technology have on evolutionary biology? Dr. Healy believes it is going to lead to an exponential take off . With the advances in neurobiology, genetics and science in general, technology is now going to directly affect our biological evolution.This means, humans are going to evolve to be a reflection of technology, science, and biology combined.

Wheat does this mean?

Well, it means the possibilities are going to become endless.

For the first time in history we can control human evolution. It will no longer be a passive process taking thousands of years.

We will genetically modify and change our biological structure. These changes will be embedded to be carried on through DNA. We can eliminate traits we don't need anymore, ones that have only been useful to us in the past.

Eliminate evolutionary traits of:

Aggression | Stress | War | Disease

And modify to evolve the individual in more meaningful areas of:

Truth | Community | Creativity | LOVE

We can engineer far superior human beings, a radical jump from where we are now, even call it a new species...

Evolution will be at the individual level. Changes so far, have only been changes in populations up to this time. Changes will now occur based on the needs of an individual. And it will not "be at the whim of the collective anymore". We are going to be able to manipulate and create ourselves for the better!

The best part is when these new evolutionary traits emerge in the first set of humans, these new individuals become the foundation upon the next evolutionary jump. These "neo-humans"(as we could call them) will be the input for the next change, an even greater change. Each input will be magnified yet again, thus furthering our climb up the evolutionary ladder.

** excited for the future yet?**

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