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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Do you ever playing game harvest moon? This game Very Good and Fun, I’m often playing this game at Spare time. If  you also like this game you can see in my blog about many kinds of Key How to playing this game. And then check it out

Glitch: Float over vegetables with hidden message
If you manage to stand on top of the vegetables next to Ronald's
store, you will receive a hidden message stating, "Nice
Vegetables!". In order to jump onto the vegetables, approach the
fence near the opening (on the right side of the opening) and try to
jump over the corner. It may take you several attempts, but if your
positioning is perfect, you will jump and land on top of the
vegetables. You will appear to be floating above the vegetables.
Press X to receive the hidden message.

The Azure Swallowtail: Befriend Lyla and Kurt.
The Goddess Dress: Befriend Gina and Dia.
The endangered Weasel: Befriend Gwen.
The Horse Race: Befriend Bob and Gwen.

Bob: Summer 1
Dia: Winter 9
Gina: Fall 20
Gwen: Summer 8
Katie: Fall 29
Kurt: Winter 10
Louis: Fall 2
Lyla: Spring 27
Martha: Winter 25
Parsley: Spring 16
Ronald: Spring 11
Stickboy (Joe): Summer 10
Tim: Fall 12
Wallace: Summer 1
Woody: Winter 2

Feeding your dog in the rain
If you have a dog and do not have a doghouse, when it is raining,
bring your dog outside. Put food in his bowl, let him eat for a
moment, then immediately bring him back in the house.

Joe adores fish, but he will like it even more when you give it to
him cooked. Put a small fish in your pan then put a potato or herb
(optional) in with it to get a cooked fish.

To get the flute, give Woody (the man in the white coat) cheese
every day. After about 10 days, go to the place where you fish.
Once there you will see Woody playing his flute. He will chat to you
for a moment or more, then Gwen says that she wants to chat to
Woody. Woody then gives you the flute. *** To see how to train
your dog, get the flute in the brown box and press Select.

How to Train Your Dog
Once you get a dog to stay on your farm, you will have to train him with the
Flute, once you get it. To do so select the Flute, press X, then use the
following button presses in order to get him to do what you wish:
Drive animals: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Sit up: DOWN, UP, UP

The little heart will appear over her head if you give her Home Made
Jam or Pink Cat Flower (which start growing in summer). If you show
her you dog in the beginning, she will also have a heart over her
head, but this only happens once she appreciates the yellow flowers
(but that does not get a big reaction).

Lyla will get a small pink heart if you give her a Potanta Root.

Birthday List
It's important to give townspeople greetings and gifts on their birthday, to get
in their good graces. Here's a list of all of the birthdays in town:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Spring 11
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Summer 1
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Fall 29
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Fall 2
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner (and cutest girl in town): Spring 27
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Spring 16
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Summer 1
Tim, Bob's little brother (the treasure hunter): Fall 12
Gwen, the Carpenter's daughter: Summer 8
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Winter 25
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fall 20
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Winter 9
Woody the Carpentry Shop Owner: Winter 2
Joe the Carpenter: Summer 10
Kurt the Carpenter: Winter 10

Cheap Chickens
To get chickens at the very beginning of the game for almost no money at all, go
to the supermarket that you can see when you leave the farm. Go in there and buy
an egg for $50. Put that egg in the incubator in your chicken coop and in a few
days you will have a little chick! Then it will turn into a chicken and you can
get eggs for free.

Event Triggers
To trigger an event you must befriend these people:
Treasure Hunt 1: You must befriend Tim.
Treasure Hunt 2: Same as number one.
Cake Contest: Befriend Katie.
A fishy Story: Befriend Joe.
The Bluebird: Befriend Louis.
The Azure Swallowtail: Befriend Lyla and Kurt.
The Goddess Dress: Befriend Gina and Dia.
The endangered Weasel: Befriend Gwen.
The Horse Race: Befriend Bob and Gwen.

When work at the part-time job at Bob's farm, go into the barn to
feed his animals. Feed the animals and you will have 2 left over.
Every day, repeat this process, but use the leftover fodder in your
backpack. Everyday you will have 2 more leftover fodder.

What the Townspeople Like
Here's a list of what the various townpeople really enjoy. Give them these
presents in order to get on their good side:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Cake
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Herb Tea
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner: Pink Cat Flowers/Blueberries
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Tea/Fish
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Sweets
Joe the Carpenter: Fish
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Cookies/Cheese
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Eggs
Tim, Bob's little brother: Eggs/Cake/Tea
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fish/Eggs
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Blueberries
Kurt the Carpenter: Tomatoes
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Cheese

Birthday List
It's important to give townspeople greetings and gifts on their birthday, to get
in their good graces. Here's a list of all of the birthdays in town:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Spring 11
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Summer 1
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Fall 29
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Fall 2
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner (and cutest girl in town): Spring 27
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Spring 16
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Summer 1
Tim, Bob's little brother (the treasure hunter): Fall 12
Gwen, the Carpenter's daughter: Summer 8
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Winter 25
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fall 20
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Winter 9
Woody the Carpentry Shop Owner: Winter 2
Joe the Carpenter: Summer 10
Kurt the Carpenter: Winter 10

Chickens take longer to give Gold Eggs. If you leave your chickens
outside in the grass you will not have to feed them.
Chickens like it when they are put outside and will most likely give
you golden eggs faster.

Instead of paying 500G for a chicken from the Animal Farm, buy an
egg from the Supermarket for 50G and place it in the incubator.
Three days later, a baby chick will hatch.

Put your chickens out for 2 very sunny days. If they like you a
lot, the chickens will give Gold Eggs.

Go into Ronald's Chicken Coop, which is across from his store. Equip
your Knife/Grass Cutter and pester his chickens. This has no effect
on your game.

How to Get the Dog
When you begin the game, you will notice several stray dogs wandering around. If
you approach them, they'll run away. To woo a dog to your yard, keep putting
food in his bowl. Anything will do: grass, eggs, berries. When you place these
foods in the bowl, they immediately turn into doggie mush. After a while, you
will notice the dog appearing at your farm more and more. Keep trying to pick up
the dog (X). At some point, he will let you pick him up, and he will be yours!

There will be a lot of clouds in the sky if it is about to rain.
There are always clouds in fall, so you will have to watch the
television to learn if it is going to rain.

It is very easy to tell if it is a rainy day. When you wake up, if
there is music playing then it is a sunny day. However, if there is
no music playing, then it is a rainy day.

Event Triggers
To trigger an event you must befriend these people:
Treasure Hunt 1: You must befriend Tim.
Treasure Hunt 2: Same as number one.
Cake Contest: Befriend Katie.
A fishy Story: Befriend Joe.
The Bluebird: Befriend Louis.

Moon Berries
When the season turns to Fall, you will find a Moon Berry behind the
Cafe/Bar. Gwen loves these berries. Get 3 of them, make some
jam, and give it to her.

In order to find the Great Berry, look behind the cafe and press the
X take the item. If you want to see if the berry is there, go to the
left side and change the view. If you cannot see a yellow object,
wait until it is a day with a 0, 4, 5, or 9. It usually blooms on
those days, and they make great gifts that everyone loves.

How to Get the Horse
To get the horse, you will have to visit Bob's farm quite a bit. Do part-time work
taking care of his horses and cows and give him lots of presents. Eventually,
after a solid chunk of work (a season or more), he'll bring a horse to you.

What the Townspeople Like
Here's a list of what the various townpeople really enjoy. Give them these
presents in order to get on their good side:
Ronald the Supermarket Owner: Cake
Parsley the Plant Hunter: Herb Tea
Lyla the Flower Shop Owner: Pink Cat Flowers/Blueberries
Wallace the Cafe Owner: Tea/Fish
Bob, owner of Brownie Farm: Sweets
Joe the Carpenter: Fish
Katie the Cafe Waitress: Cookies/Cheese
Louis the Tool Shop Owner: Eggs
Tim, Bob's little brother: Eggs/Cake/Tea
Gina, the Maid's daughter: Fish/Eggs
Dia, Clove Villa daughter: Blueberries
Kurt the Carpenter: Tomatoes
Martha the Clove Villa Maid: Cheese

To get your dog, you do not need actual dog food. The dogs can eat
anything, even the common weed. To put food in his or her bowl, take
any food item (or plant, weed, etc.), and stand next to the bowl.
Press X and the dog food goes in.
When you name your dog, think of a good name that the ladies would
like: Cute names, such as "Bubbles", or thoughtful and creative
names are recommended. The girl who likes dogs the most is Lyla. If
you would like to marry her, you should probably use your dog to
Once your dog likes you, and you have taught him to heel, do it a
lot. When you whistle for him, he will just heel.

To get a dog, you must keep putting food items in the dog bowl
outside your house. The common weed is recommended. Every so often,
a dog will appear on your farm. You must run at it and try to catch
it (pick it up with X). If you cannot catch it yet, you must wait a
few days to try again. *** There are 3 types of dogs that you
can get. If the one you want is out in the wild, you may also try
catching it out there. It takes awhile to actually get a dog -- be

Give her Special Cheese and she will have a heart reaction.

She loves her eggs, especially gold eggs.

He loves eggs, especially Golden Eggs.

He likes tomatoes.

He likes home made cakes.

Your cow will give milk faster if you leave her outside on very
sunny days (when the weather channel states that there will be a 0%
chance of rain). Once she gives Large Milk, leave her outside on 2
very good days and you should get Gold Milk. *** This may not work
on the 1st attempt.

If you leave your cows outside in the grass you will not have to
feed them.

Put your cows out for 2 very sunny days. If they like you a lot,
the cows will give Gold Milk.

After doing Bob's part time work, sometimes he does not give you a
horse. If this happens, try giving something sweet such as a Cake,
best if baked yourself.

Your horse can be standing anywhere and not need to be fed.

To pick your own horse, when you do part time work brush and chat to
the horse 1st every day. Bob will bring that one to your farm.

If you do not put the fodder in the troughs for the horses and cow
when doing part time work at Bob's farm, you can take it all for
yourself. He pays you the same amount of money and will still give
you a horse.

Before you are able to ride your horse you must get its friendship
up. After awhile you will be able to ride it.

Cheap Chickens
To get chickens at the very beginning of the game for almost no money at all, go
to the supermarket that you can see when you leave the farm. Go in there and buy
an egg for $50. Put that egg in the incubator in your chicken coop and in a few
days you will have a little chick! Then it will turn into a chicken and you can
get eggs for free.

Free animal fodder
Take a part time job at Brownie Farms when you are feeding the
animals fodder You can steal whatever is left over by putting it in
your pack.

This is a 10 day process. When you start with 100G, do
part-time work. Leave immediately then go in the store before 8:05
a.m. and ask for part-time work. Brush the horses and cow. Chat to
them and milk the cow. Put the fodder in the bins. *** If done
correctly, you will have 2 extra fodder (put in dog dish). Then go
outside and wait until he calls you out at 5:00 p.m. On your way
home, stop at Louis' tool shop and sell the milk. By now, you should
have 820G. The next day, stop at the supermarket. Buy one egg then
go towards the flower shop. Buy 6 potato seeds and sixteen
breadfruit seeds. You should have 330G remaining. Now, go home and
cut grass until you find a power berry. Next, till up 2 or 3
of your dirt fields and put the egg in the incubator. The chick will
hatch in 3 days. *** Eggs are better given away than sold.
Next, sleep. Now, plant your potatoes in one field and breadfruit
in the other 2 (or just in one if you are out of energy).

To get fast money, put all your money in potatoes. Plant them. When
you buy them, you spend will 20G, but they are sold for 60G. Also,
they grow quickly. *** Plant them the day before a rainfall so you
do not have to water them. Use the television to find out if it is
going to rain.
This trick requires 6 chickens, If you do not already have that
amount, buy some eggs at the store and put them in the incubator.
Once you have 6 chickens, in the morning collect all the eggs, but
keep them. Do not use, give, or sell them. Once you have done all
the chores around the farm, sell all of your chickens. After you
have sold them, you should get about 1,000 G. You will still have
chickens. Go back to your farm and put one of your eggs in the
incubator. Keep doing this until you have all your chickens back.

Sick dog
Sometimes after you get a dog, he will be sleeping outside. He is
not actually sleeping. Press Select and you will have him in your
hands. If it says "Oh no, there's something wrong with (your dog's
name)!", bring him to Bob at the farmer's shop. He will help and
cure him.

If you do not take care of your dog and bring him inside while it is
raining, it will eventually get sick. It cannot die, but the person
who runs the farm that gives you your horse will come and give your
dog medicine.

How to Get the Dog
When you begin the game, you will notice several stray dogs wandering around. If
you approach them, they'll run away. To woo a dog to your yard, keep putting
food in his bowl. Anything will do: grass, eggs, berries. When you place these
foods in the bowl, they immediately turn into doggie mush. After a while, you
will notice the dog appearing at your farm more and more. Keep trying to pick up
the dog (X). At some point, he will let you pick him up, and he will be yours!

How to Get the Horse
To get the horse, you will have to visit Bob's farm quite a bit. Do part-time work
taking care of his horses and cows and give him lots of presents. Eventually,
after a solid chunk of work (a season or more), he'll bring a horse to you.

Fishing Rod
Go to the Cafe as soon as the new day begins and you will see a
carpenter. After the intermission sequence he will explain and give
you the rod.

Dog training
To train your dog with the flute, do the following:

Sit: Up, Left, Down
Lay Down: Up, Down, Down
Heel: Left, Right, Right
Drive The Animals (Cows): Right, Left, Left
Jump: Left, Up, Right
Sit Up: Down, Up, Up

Every day, give Gwen Golden Milk or Jam. When she likes you a lot,
chat to her at night about 7:00 or before she goes in. Give her
something again, then chat to her 2 times. The 2nd time she
wants to chat to you for a few minutes. If you answer most of her
questions correctly, then she will marry you.

Gwen also loves Jam.

If you are friendly with Gwen and the sprites talk about a scary
monster, you will see Gwen and she will explain that it is Snowball
(a weasel). She will take a picture of Snowball and your town is
safe. Before the credits Gwen says that she would not have done it
if you had not helped her. Now, Gwen and yourself will be on the
roof of your barn. She will ask you to kneel down, then Gwen will
kiss you.

Give Gwen your vegetables and she says "Wow, your vegetables look
great", but if you give her homemade sweets she says "Your good, it
bothers me a bit".

** *** You can cook food after you buy a kitchen.

Blue Berry Jam: Blue Berry (3x) and Pot.
Boiled Egg: Egg and Pot.
Cake: Egg, Milk, Breadfruit and Oven.
Cheese: L Milk and Pot.
Cooked Fish: Potato (or Herb), Fish and Pan.
Cran Berry Jam: Cran Berry (3x) and Pot.
Cream of Corn Soup: Milk, Corn and Pot.
Cream of Mushroom Soup: Milk, Mushroom and Pot.
Cream of Tomato Soup: Milk, Tomato and Pot.
Creamy Soup: Potato, Milk and Pot.
Flan: Egg, Milk and Oven.
Fruit Cake: Breadfruit, Milk, any fruit and Oven.
Fruit Omelet: Egg, any fruit and Pan.
Hot Milk: S Milk and Pot.
Mixed Jam: Very Berry, Cran Berry, Blue Berry and Pot.
Mixed Omelet: Egg, any vegetable and Pan.
Omelet: Egg, Milk and Pan.
Special Cheese: G Milk and Pot.
Sunny-Side Up: Egg and Pan.
Very Berry Jam: Very Berry (3x) and Pot.
Yogurt: M Milk and Pot.

You cannot get married in this game. Each year, your relations with
the townspeople are renewed. Do not waste your gifts on a particular
girl if she is not involved in your ending.

To find out where the fish in the lake is, there is a dark circle in
the lake when you throw the bobber in. Get in the circle to get it
all the time.

When fishing, rotate the Left Analog-stick without pressing X you
should feel the controller pulse or rumble very quickly. When it
catches, it should be a fish. To tell if it is a big fish, if it
darts around everywhere with lots of restraint, reel it in.

Money $$$ Money
To make a lot more money very quickly, raise as many cows as you can
until they can give out L Milk. After that, keep the milk for about
one season, then sell it all. You should get at least 15,000G.

This may be slightly difficult when you are begining out, but is a
good way to easily make at least 30,000G in a relatively short
period of time. First, buy the Brush for the horses and cows and the
Milker from Louis' Store. Now, go to the Farmer's Supply store next
to Brownie Farm and then buy as many cows as possible (five if you
do not currently have any). This will cost a lot, but it will pay
off. Brush and milk these cows until they produce L Milk. Go back to
the Farmer's Supply and sell all of the cows. You will receive
30,000G and you can sell all of that good milk they gave you.

Go to the Grocery Store and buy as many S Milks as possible. Now,
go to your kitchen and turn them into cheese. Now, go to the
Cafe/Bar and sell the cheese for a small profit.

Nik, Nak, and Flak
They love mushrooms. Give them mushrooms and they will like you a

Katie really loves Cheese and Cookies. If you give her a Cake that
you made in your kitchen, she will ask you if you will be
competitive with her.

If you give Katie some cheese, a little heart will appear over her
head indicating that her love rate increased. It is recommended that
you make your own cheese - costs $500. When she meets your dog for
the 1st time, she will get a exclamation point on top of her head.
The girls will only like your dog if you give it a good name. If you
give her gold eggs and milk before the Cake Contest starts. you will
also get a reaction

Although Katie will like almost anything you give her, she
especially likes Cheese. Giving her this will result in a heart icon
above her head.

To kiss Katie, finish the Cake Contest event. At the end of the
credits Katie and your character will kiss.

Cake Contest
Make sure you are close friends with Katie. Whenever you find the
recipe (on your dresser by the door where your kitchen is suppose to
be) and give her the Golden Eggs and Milk on the 16th, go to the
shop. From there she will say "Go by the [Goddes] lake and - to
get the Moondrop Dew".

Power Berry Locations
To get the Power Berries scattered around the land, look in these places:
1. In your pasture.
2. Visit the Harvest Goddess.
3. Visit the Harvest Sprites.
4. Go fishing.
5. Trigger the "Sacred Land" event.

Power Berry Locations
To get the Power Berries scattered around the land, look in these places:
1. In your pasture.
2. Visit the Harvest Goddess.
3. Visit the Harvest Sprites.
4. Go fishing.
5. Trigger the "Sacred Land" event.

Treasure by Harvest Goddess Lake
In the little patch of field by the Harvest Goddess Lake, you will
find an unlimited supply of Ores and Pontanta Roots. These can be
sold for high prices at the Carpenter's House and at Louis' Store.

Secret store
There is a secret "store" in the big mansion near the farm store
where you can sell almost everything but you cannot buy anything.
The store is on a piece of paper near the refrigerator at the

To get Dia to like you, just give her flowers for a few days. If you
give her food of any kind, she will just say "I always have plenty
to eat. don't bother." However, if you give her flowers she will
warm up to you. After she softens up, give her sweets such as Cake,
Honey, or Home-Made Flan.

Dia does not necessarily like flowers unless you are very close to
her. However, she will love it and become closer to you faster if
you bring out her heart and give her some Blueberries.

He likes Cheese (all kinds, cheese cake, etc.). If you want the good
fishing pole, give Woody (the man in the white coat) Cheese.

She really likes Golden Eggs. Also try giving her a big fish for a
heart reaction.

Gina loves the Full Moon Berries found behind the bar and cafe in
the fall. A heart reaction will form.

How to Train Your Dog
Once you get a dog to stay on your farm, you will have to train him with the
Flute, once you get it. To do so select the Flute, press X, then use the
following button presses in order to get him to do what you wish:
Drive animals: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Sit up: DOWN, UP, UP

You cannot marry Lumina during the 1st year, but can in the 2nd

Your dog will die if you leave it out on rainy days, don't feed it, or it gets sick three or more times! i know this by experience so don't let it happen to you! it was a complete accident and i wish it hadn't happened! i had no clue your dog could die so i just wanted to let everyone know that it is possible!


Harvest Moon Save the Homeland (PS2) Game Shark Codes
Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On) ECB7FBB0 14468B5C

Infinite Money 1CB1FB8C 17E9C70C

Infinite Fodder 3CB1FB60 1456E788

Infinite Potato Seeds 3C1425FF 1456E788

Infinite Tomato Seeds 3C142504 1456E788

Infinite Corn Seeds 3C142505 1456E788

Infinite Breadruit Seeds 3C142502 1456E788

Never Tired 1CB1FB58 F87AE781

Easy way to put in cows
Just put all of them in 1 stable and then they merge and then push em out may not work on first attempt

Harvest Moon Save the Homeland (PS2) Recipes
# Recipes

Note: You can cook food after you buy a kitchen.

Blue Berry Jam: Blue Berry (3x) and Pot.
Boiled Egg: Egg and Pot.
Cake: Egg, Milk, Breadfruit and Oven.
Cheese: L Milk and Pot.
Cooked Fish: Potato (or Herb), Fish and Pan.
Cran Berry Jam: Cran Berry (3x) and Pot.
Cream of Corn Soup: Milk, Corn and Pot.
Cream of Mushroom Soup: Milk, Mushroom and Pot.
Cream of Tomato Soup: Milk, Tomato and Pot.
Creamy Soup: Potato, Milk and Pot.
Flan: Egg, Milk and Oven.
Fruit Cake: Breadfruit, Milk, any fruit and Oven.
Fruit Omelet: Egg, any fruit and Pan.
Hot Milk: S Milk and Pot.
Mixed Jam: Very Berry, Cran Berry, Blue Berry and Pot.
Mixed Omelet: Egg, any vegetable and Pan.
Omelet: Egg, Milk and Pan.
Special Cheese: G Milk and Pot.
Sunny-Side Up: Egg and Pan.
Very Berry Jam: Very Berry (3x) and Pot.
Yogurt: M Milk and Pot.

Choose which horse you want!!!
Well,as you know, you get a horse by working at Bob's ranch part time. If you want to choose which specific horse you want out of them all and just brush and talk to that horse FIRST each and every day of work and he'll be all yours!

Walking on ronald vegetable
First go to the fence corner then run with little move to the middle the 1/4 fence little move by corner to middle,you will jump and walk on the vegetable

Easy dog catching technique
Just trap the dog inbetween the chicken coop and the barn then catch it

Recipes 2
Bouillabaisse: Tomato, M Fish, and Pot.
Cheescake: Milk, Breadfruit, Cheese, and Oven.
Cheese Cake: Egg, Gold Milk, Breadfruit, and Oven.
Cheese Omelet: Egg, Cheese, and Pan.
Fruit Flan: Milk, Egg, Any Fruit, and Oven.
Fruit Omelet: Egg, any fruit and Pan.
Harvest Berry Jam: 3 Harvestberries and Pot.
Honey Cake: Egg, Honey, Breadfruit, and Oven.
Pancakes: Breadfruit, Egg, Milk, and Pan.
Sauté Fish With Cream: Herb, L Fish, Milk, and Pan.
Special Cheese Cake: Special Cheese, S Milk, Breadfruit, and Oven.

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